Appropriate Adult (PPACE)

When a child or young person is arrested they have certain rights. It is the role of the appropriate adult to make sure that they receive that to which they are entitled and that their welfare is safeguarded whilst in custody.

It is a requirement of PPACE that children and young people be interviewed with an appropriate adult in attendance.Ideally the appropriate adult should be a member of the child's family or a person chosen by the child. An advocate representing the child cannot be considered to be an appropriate adult.The role of the appropriate adult is to


TaskResponsible personRecordTimescale
Police refer to YJS duty officer/Admin if they have a young person between the ages of 10-16 in custody and they require an 'appropriate adult'PoliceYJS workerImmediately
Check why parents cannot act as 'appropriate adult' and, in a case where the duty workerthinks that the parents could act then attempt to contact the parentsDuty workerPPACE monitoring formAppropriate Adult monitoring formsImmediately
Attend police stationAppropriate adultPPACE monitoring formWithin 1 hour of referral
Liaise with the on call manager where problems arise, if out of hours.Duty workerPPACE monitoring formAs required
Complete the appropriate adult monitoring form and deliver to YJSDuty workerPPACE monitoring formImmediately or next working day
Ensure the parents and primary carer are telephoned and informed of the interview, the outcome and any subsequent court or bail appearances if the YJS or EDT worker was acting as the appropriate adultDuty workerLetterWithin 1 working day of the interview