Child protection conferences & plans

Child protection conferences focus on safeguarding children (including unborn children) and ensuring their welfare when it is suspected they are at risk of significant harm. They rely on the right people attending the conference to make fully informed, evidence based decisions about the needs of the child and any work that should be undertaken to address these needs.

The following pages set out the requirements for different conferences. The purpose is always to bring together and analyse, in an inter-agency setting, all relevant information and plan how best to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child. It is the responsibility of the conference to make recommendations on how agencies work together to safeguard the child in future. Conference tasks include:




Professional observers (e.g. a social work student) can attend conferences only with the prior consent of the chair and the family. Observers must take no role in discussions or in decision-making.

If children are not attending the conference to be part of the discussion, the family must be advised to make alternative arrangements for child care as they often will distract the meeting.


Quoracy refers to the minimum number of agencies that should be present at a conference. This should be sufficient to enable safe decisions to be made, and ordinarily is a minimum of Social Care plus two other agencies or professional groups. If a conference is not quorate then the chair of the conference must decide how to proceed.



Location of conferences

The majority of Child Protection conferences are held at Perruque House, Rue de la Perruque, Castel.  This is the same building where Children's Services senior management are based.  Public transport to this location is difficult so it will be necessary for professionals to check that parents/carers are able to find their way to the building.  


To book a Child Protection conference please contact Helen Le Tocq, who is the Personal Assistant for Child Protection her email is:



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