Intervention and Evaluation

This page sets out the principles by which Occupational Therapists will work with children and young people through formal intervention.

Standard 1

Intervention should be based upon goals and objectives that have been identified and negotiated with the client.


  1. Selecting the media or activities on the basis of which offer the best option for achieving the agreed therapeutic goals and have most meaning for the client.
  2. E.g.  Using a client-centred approach
  3. Carrying out the intervention in a suitable environment.
  4. Making the best use of existing resources.
  5. Working in collaboration with other professionals to fit in with the overall programme of intervention the client is receiving.
  6. Engaging the client in activities which have been selected, adapted, graded and sequenced according to their needs.
  7. Managing and documenting any decisions or actions taken where there is an element of risk in planning and/or respecting the client's choice.
  8. (Risk assessment, Near-miss Assessment, Moving and Handling Assessment)
  9. Documenting and explaining any unmet needs.
  10. Respecting the choice of the client, if at any time they wish to discontinue intervention.
  11. Ensuring consent (verbal/written) is receiving for intervention and documented.

Standard 2

Intervention should be in accordance with the best or evidence-based practice.


  1. Developing an information and evidence resource to support clinical practice.
  2. Seeking evidence or descriptions of best practice to justify interventions or approaches.
  3. Evaluating this evidence and incorporating findings within intervention.

Standard 3

Intervention should only be delegated to another member of staff or person in care role if they are deemed competent.


  1. Only providing those services and techniques which are within your professional competence and which you are qualified to employ by education and training and/or experience.
  2. Referring to other professional is skills and knowledge are too limited.
  3. Ensuring that person to whom tasks or actions are delegated; such as students and support worker; is competent to carry them out.
  4. Retaining ultimate responsibility for the care being given to the client.

Standard 4

The occupational therapist should monitor and review the effectiveness of an activity or intervention, revising it as necessary to ensure progress.


  1. Identifying a baseline from which to measure any change in the client's functional abilities and thereby to evaluate treatment, reflect and audit practice.
  2. Using assessment tools incorporating outcome measures, where formal evaluation is required.
  3. Understanding the purpose and accuracy of the outcome measure being used, so that the result can be interpreted correctly.
  4. Documenting the process and result of intervention, using the records and outcome measures to ensure that progress is being made towards the agreed goals and objectives.