Allegations against professionals

Dealing with an allegation that a professional, staff member, foster carer, volunteer, or self-employed person whose business is to provide a service to children has abused a child is difficult but must be taken seriously and dealt with carefully and fairly. This page looks at the process that should be followed if an allegation is made to member of staff in Social Care.


Any information that suggests that a person who works (either in a paid capacity or as a volunteer) in a position of trust with children has harmed a child, committed a criminal offence against a child or behaved in an unsuitable way should be dealt with using this procedure.  

All such allegations or concerns must be treated seriously and with an open mind.

These procedures also apply where an allegation is made against professionals in their personal lives.

What to do with allegations against professionals

Any member of staff who receives an allegation of this nature must inform their manager.  The person receiving the allegation should follow the guidance set out in the page on dealing with a disclosure.

If the allegation is about a member of staff in the employ of the Department then the matter will be referred to the senior management team.

If the allegation is not about a member of staff in associated with the Department then your line manager will advise on the next steps.

If a child has clearly been harmed

If there is evidence that a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm there is a need for immediate action to be considered in line with child protection procedures.

Keeping yourself safe (safe care)

As a professional within the Department, you are in a position of trust in relation to all the children and vulnerable adults that you have contact with.  Whilst following the suggestions below is not a guarantee that an allegation will not be made against you, it will ensure that the chances are very much reduced.

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