Discharge, Closure and Transfer of Care

This page sets out the principles by which Occupational Therapists will discharge a child / young person and close their case or transfer their care elsewhere.

Statement 1

Occupational therapists should assess the service user in preparation for discharge, closure or transfer, considering their ability to manage in their future environment, and at all times taking into account the service user's priorities and choices.

Occupational therapists/occupational therapy services are required to:

  1. Assess the service user's progress against their pre-set goals.
  2. Document the amount of assistance needed for occupational performance areas.
  3. Make recommendations for any ongoing intervention or support required.
  4. Make recommendations for any assistive equipment and/or environmental modifications required.
  5. Make recommendations for any further follow-up, intervention or re-assessment required.

Statement 2

Occupational Therapy should be discontinued and client discharged from the service when:

Statement 3

On discharge from occupational therapy, if the pre-set goals have not been achieved and/or treatment not completed:

The occupational therapist must consider the client's ability to manage in their future environment.

Document the amount of assistance needed for occupational performance.

Make recommendations for ongoing intervention, reassessment and/or support.

Ensure relevant parties; other agencies, professionals, the referring agent, client, family/carer's are aware of the discharge from occupational therapy and/or the transfer of care plans (see 1b of Health Professions Council Standards of Proficiency)

Statement 4

Ensure discharge letter/final report/review is sent to the client and other involved agencies.

Statement 5

In the event of transfer of care within the occupational therapy service, ensure client's treatment/intervention plan/progress is communicated.

Statement 6

All interventions relating to a patient's discharge or transfer of care must be documented and filed in line with occupational therapy Documentation Standards, HPC Standards of Proficiency (2b) and College of Occupational Therapy.

All interventions should be recorded in line with Guernsey Children's Services PARIS protocols and procedures.