Child's Adoption File

Where the Department is considering adoption for a child, the social work team must set up an adoption case record in respect of the child. This should be separate from any pre-existing files maintained on the child.

The child's adoption file should contain all the information obtained about the child and their parents, including all medical reports and other health information, as well as its own reports to the adoption and permanency panel, the panel's recommendations, and a full record of the Department's actions and decisions in the case. It is the child's social worker's responsibility to request the record of the recommendations of the panel and any other relevant information.

The original case file should contain anything relating to the period prior to the decision that adoption is the plan for the child. Any relevant information from the original case record should be copied onto the adoption case record once it has been set up.

Any reference to the child's adoptive family or address should be removed from the original case file. This is to facilitate the separation of confidential adoption documents in accordance with regulation, and to enable the child's previous history to be available on the core file to workers in the future who may be involved with the birth family.

The intention is to provide an adopted person with as much information as possible about their social and personal history and the reasons for their adoption.  To this end, the adoption case record must be kept in a place of special security for 100 years from the date of closure. Once the adoption order has been granted the files will be archived at the States of Guernsey's archive service.

Adoption file contents

Contents of the adoption file should include the following, with individual circumstances dictating the inclusion of other material.


TaskResponsible OfficerRecord requiredTimescale
Child's adoption file to be set up and used, transferring any relevant information from the original case record to the adoption file.Fostering and Adoption social worker/support worker, with assistance from the child's social workerCase fileAs soon as a decision has been made that the plan for the child is adoption
Adoption file to be closed once adoption order has been made.Fostering and adoption  social workerClosure summaryAs soon as adoption order has been made
Send closed adoption file to States of Guernsey Archives ServiceFostering and adoption social worker/support workerCase fileAs soon as is practical
Ensure appropriate closure of case on Files to remain archived for 100 years records.Archive sectionArchive recordsAs soon as is practical
Ensure authorized adoption allowances are paid or continueFostering and adoption team managerCase fileImmediately
Send closed adoption file to archivesFostering and adoption team managerCase fileWithin 10 working days of receipt of file
Files to remain archived for 100 yearsArchive sectionArchive recordsWithin 10 working days