Marriage of a Looked After Child

Children are legally entitled to get married in the UK from their 16th birthday onwards. This page explains what needs to happen if a looked after child states that they wish to get married. On this page, young person refers to children aged 16 and 17.

If the young person is subject to a Care Order or Community Parenting Order

For a young person to marry consent must be given by all those who have parental responsibility.  This includes the department.

If a young person tells you they wish to marry someone you should:

Where there is consensus that the young person should marry, request a form from Legal Services for the Director to sign to give consent.  This form is then given to the young person.

If the young person is accommodated

The young person needs to have consent of all those with parental responsibility (unless there is a Residence Order in force where only the person who is named on the Residence Order need consent).

If a young person tells you they wish to marry someone you should:

If consent is refused

If consent is refused by any person with parental responsibility then the young person may seek the leave of the Court to marry.