Child Protection Plans

Child Protection Plans are the key way to ensure that children who are identified as being at risk of significant harm are kept safe. They also serve to assist and measure change that takes place within a family, ensuring that the family and all agencies are working towards the same outcome for the child.

The conference will draw up an Outline Plan, which it is then the responsibility of the Core Group to develop into a Child Protection Plan and monitor until the next conference.  The flow chart icon to the right will link you a page that shows the process of developing and monitoring the plan for Social Workers (the greyed out section refers to Children In Need Plans which are discussed elsewhere). 





Person responsible



Section 35 enquiries completed and agreement that conference required.  If conference not required, child in need plan to be considered

Social worker and Unit Manager (first line social work manager)

Within 10 working days of strategy discussion


If conference not required, child in need plan to be considered

Social worker

Within 7 working days of decision not to take to conference


Draft plan drawn up based on outcome of s35 enquiries and entered into report to conference

Social worker

4 working days prior to conference


Section 35 report and draft plan passed to manager for countersigning

Social worker

3 working days prior to conference


Report to be shared with parents / those with parental responsibility and child where appropriate

Social worker

2 working days prior to conference


Report to be sent to conference chair

Social worker

1 working day prior to conference


Conference reviews plan and uses draft to formulate outline child protection plan

Chair of conference and conference members

At conference


If necessary plan taken to resource panel for approval

Social worker

***Timescale required***


First core group held and draws up child protection plan

Social worker and core group members

Within 10 working days of conference


Visits to child completed

Social worker

Within timescale specified within child protection plan


Further core groups held

Social worker

Within timescale specified within child protection plan


Actions 10 & 11 repeated along with any other work required until review conference

Social worker



Child protection plan updated for conference and included in review report

Social worker and Unit Manager (first line social work manager)

5 working days prior to conference


Actions 8 to 12 repeated along with any other work required until a review conference makes decision that the child protection plan is no longer required




Once child protection plan no longer required, child in need plan should be drawn up

Social worker

Within 7 working days of conference where child protection plans bought to an end