Fieldwork Education

This page sets out how Occupational Therapists will support student therapists on placement.

Statement 1

There should be a placement agreement between the Higher Education Institution (HEI) and the occupational therapy services, with appropriate policies and procedures, and sufficient facilities and resources to support practice education.

Occupational therapists are required to:

Statement 2

The practice education provided within the service should contribute to the overall aims of the education programme, by helping students become fit to practice, and sit to receive their awards.

Occupational therapists are required to:

Statement 3

There should be sufficient, properly trained and supported practice placement educators to facilitate the achievement of students' learning outcomes, while maintaining service delivery.

Occupational therapists should:

Statement 4

Each placement should provide a range of methods designed to promote students' personal and professional development and help them achieve learning outcomes, should be employed during each placement.

Occupational therapists are required to:

Statement 5

There should be rigorous, robust and effective assessments of safety, competence and professionalism during practice education.

Occupational therapists are required to: