Introductions - Practice Guidance

Page providing some practical guidance in relation to the process of introductions.

A placement planning meeting should be convened as soon as the appropriate preparation of the child and the prospective adopter(s) has been completed.

This should be chaired by the Fostering and Adoption Team Manager or Senior Practitioner and to maintain consistency preferably by the person who chaired the Matching meeting.

A formal inter-agency meeting must also take place if the child is being placed with prospective adopter(s) approved by another agency. The meeting should be attended by the prospective adopter(s), the link worker to the adopter(s), the foster carer(s) for the child, the supervising social worker for the foster carer(s), the child's social worker and the family finder. T

he meeting must be minuted and a copy of these minutes should be retained on the child's adoption file.

The meeting should agree a plan of introductions between the child and the prospective adopter(s) which must include a minimum of one formal review of the introductions before placement. It will also identify what other meetings should take place during the introductory period and what information is outstanding (Life Story Book, Letter of Origin, paperwork to set up contact arrangements, etc.)


On the day that the child is placed the transfer of care should  be supervised by the child's social worker.

The prospective adopter(s) must be given written details of how and where to access support including details of who to contact for advice/support outside of normal office hours. (This should be included in the written information provided in advance).

The birth parents should be notified that the child has been placed.