Race, Religion, Ethnicity, Language and Culture

It is expected that foster carers make positive arrangements to help all children in their care retain and enhance their identity. This to be done by observing and preserving their religious, racial, ethnic, cultural and linguistic heritage.

The social worker will make sure that accurate and up to date information is kept on each child and young person with regard to their race, religion, ethnicity, culture and language.  The care plan will include plans to address any cultural needs of the child that the carers cannot directly meet. This is particularly relevant in trans-racial placements.

It is the responsibility of all staff including foster carers to ensure that the wishes and feelings of each child and their parents are taken into consideration and recorded in relation to their religious, racial, ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds.  Children and young people from minority ethnic or cultural backgrounds feel that they are in a positive as opposed to an alien environment.

There are times when young people and their parents may disagree about these issues. It is important to balance the wishes and feelings of all parties to ensure that the young person will have opportunities to positively draw upon all aspects of their background and experiences.

Every effort must be made to find positive role models of a similar culture to the child for all children in care.  It is expected that children and young people do not experience racism or discrimination on the basis of their race, ethnicity, language, culture or religion within their placement by staff or carers.

Any racism from other children who live there will be challenged.It may be necessary to access culturally appropriate provision for some children who are in our care.It is also expected that children and young people can confirm that any reported incidents of racism or discrimination have been, or will be addressed appropriately.