Initial Child Protection Case Conferences (ICPCC)

A child protection conference is about bringing the family and professionals working with them together to consider the concerns in detail and develop a plan about how to reduce the concerns that are present, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child(ren).

The conference should analyse the information available to make a decision about whether any of the children in the household are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm and whether a child protection plan is required (even if concerns are only being expressed about one child).

If the child or one of the children being taken to conference is not yet born, they should still be considered.


When should a pre-birth conference be held


An initial conference should also be held when:

Following the initial conference

Where it is agreed that a plan is required a key worker (a social worker from the Assessment and Intervention Team) is to be identified as the key worker and a core group should be formed to develop and monitor the child protection plan.



Agreement that case should be taken to initial case conference

Unit Manager (first line social work manager)

On completion of s35 enquiries


Conference to be booked

Social worker

Within one working day of above decision


Invites to be sent out for conference

Quality Assurance Service

***Timescale required***


The reasons for the conference, the process of conference and what a child protection plan means to be explained to parents / those with parental responsibility.  Discussion to take place about whether the family need to make alternative child care arrangements

Social worker

Within five working days of decision to take case to conference


Report for conference to be completed and sent to manager for countersigning

Social worker

Four working days before conference


Report to be countersigned by manager

Unit manager (first line social work manager)

Three working days before conference


Report to be shared with parents / those with parental responsibility and child (where appropriate)

Social worker

Two working days before conference


Report to be sent to conference chair

Social worker / Business support

One working day before conference


Attendance at conference

Social worker and Unit manager (first line social work manager)

Day of conference