Child protection

Knowledge of child protection is key when undertaking work with children and families. The very nature of the work we undertake means that there are always concerns present, however it is essential to know what to do when these concerns escalate. It is recommended that you check back regularly as new guidance will be reflected in these pages.

'Please keep me safe'. This simple but profoundly important hope is the very minimum upon which every child and young person should be able to depend.

 The Lord Laming (2009: 2)


Child Protection work is a statutory requirement of the local authority's role as a provider of Social Care. This requirement is set out by the Children Act 1989, which states that where a child is suspected to either be suffering or likely to suffer significant harm then through its social work team it must make enquiries to decide whether there needs to be any action taken to make the child safe and promote their welfare.

The following pages set out how we keep children safe in our area.

Location of child

Families are always on the move, be that through permanent moving of home, or through people visiting families on a short or long term basis.  Working Together is clear that the responsibility for making enquiries lies with social services in whose area the child lives or is found


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